Congratulations! Solveig just won a gift card from Cubus worth 500 kr.
500 kr isn't that much and Cubus isn't excactly my favorite store, but HEY! Receiving a gift card for putting on some Cubus pants, taking a picture and uploading it on their website is definately more than okay with me. And really, the store isn't that bad after all. Cubus has improved a lot after their "make-over" a few years ago. My plan is to lie in wait for the perfect item. Happy mood!
If you wonder how I won the gift card, I attended a jeans competition Cubus held.
The only two requirements were:
1. Wear a pair of Cubus-jeans
2. Take an outfit picture in front of a banner in a random Cubus-store.
My outfit looked like this:
Gratulerer! Herlig antrekk; hvite bluser er så undervurdert!
SvarSlettgratulerer :)
SvarSlettgratulerer. hvor er veska fra? tror du den fortsatt selges? :)
SvarSlettGrattis a ;)
SvarSlettGrattis! Og kjempe fint antrekk!!!
SvarSletti'm sorry - have to say i don't like the jeans pretty much in that outfit
SvarSlettbut a blog is for the truth right?